In this Teaching Learning with ICT-2, every student is supposed to:
1. register the name, including student number, cellphone number, and the address;
2. be active in discussing the topics given (the online teaching learning issues);
3. complete the online activity up to 10 times (10% of the whole score for the subject);
4. create a blog (individually) for English teaching learning process during this semester (February-July 2012);
5. present the blog online and in classroom presentation.
The more atractive and interesting the blog, the higher the score will be.
Good luck.
The first topic: As you are supposed to design your own blog for English teaching learning pocess, discuss why should be blog?
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BalasHapusname : ibnu sholaah nugraha
BalasHapusnim : F12110004
Answer for discussing :
Sorry to say but mr.uray salam did not ask to make a blog as a final project. he asked us to choose about the final project such as :
1. Blog
2. Macromedia project
3. Power point
4. videos
5. and other projects that help English teaching learning process.
I my self make a macromedia project as my final project. :)
What should I say?
Hapusname : Ari Ramadhan
BalasHapusSN : F12110047
Why we choose blog?? Because I think it is easy and familiar for many people. And every learning must have result, so we use blog not only for our teaching learning process. After we finish study about blog, we can apply it into our life, like we have a business through our blog. This is what I mean by the result of learning.
friends, I have an ebook for helping us and for knowing more about blog as media to learn. already to download..:)
wewwwww, thanks a lot
HapusName: Dewi Harumsari
BalasHapusNIM: F12110010
the reasons why I choose blog for my ICT 2 Project are the first, Blog is simple to make. Besides that, we can give comment or asking question directly. After that, we can share not only with our friends but we can share with people around the world. The materials that we share not only limited on written materials, but it can be videos or musics. But besides the advantages, blog is really depending on internet service. If the internet service is not going well, it can disturb the using of Blog
agree with Dewi about the internet service, I hope UNTAN will develop the service soon,
HapusName : Rindawati
BalasHapusNim : F12110053
The reasons why should be blog because in advances of technology nowadays, blog is being familiar and important by people all around the world that can be used for teaching and learning which is simple and easy to create or to be accessed by others. And in blog, we can share information and give a comment to others which is unlimited(everywhere and every time). And the knowledge (result) we get is the result of cooperation and collaboration. So, I think blog would be a good idea for us when we are become a teacher later, we can apply it for teaching.
Name: Novi Artikasari
BalasHapusSN: F12110050
Nowadays, We live in the technology area, students more interested to use internet than printed text in the books to study. As a teacher we required to provide some method that they need and to support their study. They need something different and something that can make them happy to study. Based on my understanding, I think through a blog we have two kind of teaching and learning process. Not only learning through face to face in the class but also we can learning by online. For example, If we have some obstruction and we can't attend in the class we can discuss the topic that teacher given by online. So, with blog we can learn more about that and create something new by ourself.
Name: Novi Artikasari
BalasHapusSN: F12110050
Cellpnone: 085252432512
Address: Jl. Imam Bonjol Gg. A. Manaf No. 5A, Pontianak
I'm Originally: Ketapang
Name :Puji Astuti
BalasHapusNIM :F12110051
Because blog is interesting. Then, it makes easier in teaching learning process. Also, this time, children do not know textbook again. Nowadays, in modern era, everything almost uses technology. So, by using blog, it can attract the children or increase their learning motivation. We also do not have to face to face in every meeting. But we can interact with each other every time and everywhere during connect to the internet. Besides that, blog also create collaborative learning which are many aspect can interact and share one another.
I personally choose blog because it is easy to be accessed, not only for blogger itself but also for everyone. So, the information flows smoothly from one source to another.
BalasHapusName :Melia Andriyani
BalasHapusNim :F12110033
Cellpnone: 085245925898
Address: jl.tebu. gg.kurnia I. no.38. west pontianak
I'm Originally: pontianak
The reasons why should be blog because in advances of technology the students not familiar again with pages of books that very traditional, blog is being familiar and important by people that can be used for teaching and learning which is simple and easy. And in blog, we can give our comment to others and share information. So, I think blog would be a good idea for us and we can apply it for teaching and learning process.
thank you.
Name: Satria Muttaqin
BalasHapusNIM : F12110020
Cellphone: 085750265579
Address:JL. Kom Yos Sudarso, Komplek Pandu no 17 Pontianak, 78113
Why do we choose blog as a media of teaching learning process?
as time goes by, the development of technology has been increased and always grow up everyday. based on this fact, we should consider our teaching learning process in order to make an effective situation of our class. many of medias can we use to support this thing. one of the media that can be use is 'Blog'.
The position of blog for student in this decade is a familiar one. It is easy to access the blog everytime and everywhere as long as there has a connection. besides that, the blog has a large area of information. many things can be found on the blog. you can find anything on it. another advantages of the blog is, it can be integrated to all blogs in the world. you can make virtual relationship through blog. the last but not least, for the blogger, it is easy to use for teaching or delivering the material for our students.
that's all from me.
thank you. ^^
Name : Rurin Oktaviany S
BalasHapusNim : F12110026
Address : Jl. Sungai Raya Dalam,komp. Bhayankara Permai E1/12.
Cellphone : 085245934134
Why should be blog because I think blog is our room for sharing with all the people all over the world. Besides getting information, we can also give information as well. And it is the best way for learning because it's fun :D
Thank you ..
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BalasHapusame : Dimas Hafiz Saputra
BalasHapusNim : F12110009
Address : Jl. P Dara Itam Gang Tani 3b No.1
Cellphone : 085750089090
Why i choose blog??
Because i want to try another type of the internet usage, sometimes i felt bored with social networking, so i would like to try this blog to improve my knowledge,and to share anything that i got to every internet user
name : Anjelina Yosepha
BalasHapusnim : F42110017
ADRESS : Sepakat 2. Blok O
According to this global area which is we live in a high technology, i think using Blog as the media for teaching and learning process is a good idea, because it makes the students more active and being an Independent Learning. The teacher serve as a facilitator and help the students when they get confiused, not only the blog it self but also the circumtances have to support by provide a free wifi
Name : Zakiah Nurhikmah
BalasHapusNIM : F42110016
Address : Jl.Prof.M.Yamin Gg. PGA 3 No.61 b
Cellphone : 085750559776
Originally : Sambas, Simpang 4.
The reason i choose blog than the other options of project, because blog is very interesting. i am very attractive to develop my blog. i hope with this subject i can improve my networking skills and make my blog look great.
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BalasHapusname : nanang Kosim
BalasHapusnim :f42108042
address : kuala mandor
cellphon : 081257717714
the reason why shoud be blog ? because with blog we can share with others students about their knowledge easily especially ict
Name : Rosalina Ulfah
BalasHapusNim : F42109061
Address : Jl. Husein Hamzah komp. Palestin 2 Block C-26
Cellphone : +62856 5450 7323
Why should be blog?
Blogs are a well accepted learning technology in education. Similar to online discussion forums, which allow participants to post their thoughts and subsequently read and comment on what is posted, blogs foreground the individual’s thoughts and cater to a much wider audience – anyone who happens to find the blog online can read and comment. As such, the fundamental difference between writing for an online discussion forum and a blog is that a blogger writes to a diverse and probably unknown audience. In education, the use of blogs is still being explored and developed (Jonassen, 2000) and this is also the case in teacher education. Duffy and Bruns (2006) proposed that technologies like blogs, wikis and......
further reading at
I think blog is not just as a technology. It can be used for wider purposes, for example: in teaching learning process. We can share many information and knowledge through blog. It can also build our creativity. There will be no limitation of space and time. So, we can use blog anytime and anywhere as long as there is the internet connection. It can be used as a media in teaching and learning. For students, they will be more active and have a good interaction with other students, teacher, and the social network. They will learn through exploration. They will create the virtual learning environment. For teachers, blog can be an alternative media for teaching that can be useful for students. And it will be more attractive for students to learn about and through such a new thing.
BalasHapusName: Timotius
BalasHapusNIM: F42108060
blog address:
address: jl. adisucipto,WonodadiI,Gang Podorukun 3 no.01
cellphone: 085346832865
why should be blog? in my opinion, using blog we can share our idea or experience to the world and also we can get the imformation from world library and many free information we can get that should be the important one to improve our knowledge. as we know that Blog is one of ICT contents that we can use as our teaching and learning prosess to explore the world and getting information from there .so that,why should be blog??
Name : Tri Kurniawati Ramadani
BalasHapusNim :F12110059
Cellphone :081256628797
Personally I choose blog in consideration that we are not only receive the knowledge but also we could give contribution about what we master in a subject to people around the world.
As a human being we want to exist in case we are known people around the world through our brilliant idea that we can shared.Based our discussion in Ict class 2 weeks a go,We choose blog because of we think about student's needs for the future in their technology era(they wouldn't know anymore about printed book),they use blog as a media information to enrich their knowledge.
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HapusName :Titik Susanti
BalasHapusNIM : F12108032
phone: 085750409121
my blog addres:
In my opinion about why we chose blog?It's because in a blog itself we can share and comment about some phenomena in our life.we can easily browse or search such kind of information that students' needs.Moreover, blog has many advantagous for the students rather than facebook, yahoo mail,and etc. The most familiar advantage that is we can easily upload or send some material with the big kilobytes.It's no need to wait for long time, so automatically blog can help us to do not waste the time that we have.yeah. I believe it so.:)
name: Umi Wisudawaty
BalasHapusSN: F12110060
cellphone number: 085245764889
address:jl. pang 5 aim, komplek seruni Indah II, blok A no 11
why i choose blog? because, I think in technology development era now, we should know and expert in media usage, in order to not stay in the traditional one. in blog we can build our creativity and explore what we want. blog is interesting and easy to access, not only for our self but also for everybody around the world. so we can improve our knowledge by sharing each other opinions. in blog beside we can cooperate each other, we also can collaborative even can create collaborative virtual learning.
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BalasHapusName: Wili Antoni
BalasHapusNIM: F12110015
Phone: 089693439282
adress: jln Purnama Agung 7 no H3 and Jalan pelita 2 no 12 Punggur Kecil
comment: I think in this era, especially for ICT, we must use some appropriate media that can support us to know what is ICT, and blog is one of the media that can we use, and also some other, why many people choose blog because make blog is easier, especially for I, we can also learn how to design a blog, for learning process, create blog also useful for learner, by blog we know how to write, i mean by using blog we write more, we also can share our idea by blog, and can follow our fiend's blog, so we can help each other, not only in ICT, I think we also can create blog for other lesson,
Name : Risky Rachmawati
BalasHapusNIM : F12110040
Cellphone : +62852 4554 2668
Address : JL.RE.Martadinata no. 45 Pontianak
blog address :
nowdays, where technology has developed rapidly ,we should consider our teaching learning process in order to make an effective situation of our class. people tend to leave traditional way where books are the only media. and blog is one of the best option,which allow participants to post their thoughts and then read and comment on what is posted, also anyone who happens to find the blog online can read and comment. by using blog, we not only giving but also getting information from people all over the world(multiways communication). we can share all the things we want, in writing, audio or blog there is no limitation in space and time. it could create both cooperative and collaborative learning in order to build our creativity.
Name : Dimas Hafiz Saputra
BalasHapusNim : F12110009
Address : Jl. P Dara Itam Gang Tani 3b No.1
Cellphone : 085750089090
Why i choose blog??
Because i want to try another type of the internet usage, sometimes i felt bored with social networking, so i would like to try this blog to improve my knowledge,and to share anything that i got to every internet user.
1. Name : Junita
BalasHapusStudent’s number : F12106068
Cellphone number : 085654606034
Address : Pak Kasih Gg Merak II no 48
i choose blog for my final project. i think blog is effective and suitable in this ict age. where many students could access and share their idea or argument to the topic discussed. then, i want to develop my knowledge and skill in making and manage blog.
BalasHapusNIM : F42110044
Cellphone: 085245904849
Address:JL. Tanjung Raya II No. 30 Pontianak
Why do I choose blog? The first is because of its cost is very low rather than I using the premium one, we can make our own account without any single bill to pay. Second, we can build our own blog as well as we want to attract students to browse our own blog in teaching learning process with ICT. Third, we can have our own class or discussion with or students or the member where ever and when ever you want, we can also have online class with some device which is use in blog. Fourth, we can use so many media or devices in our blog to support our teaching learning process with ICT, there are so many interesting devices or media which can be use in our blog which can attract students to study.
BalasHapusNim: F42110021
Cellphone: 089693534849
address: JL.Adisucipto Gg. Akcaya
why do I choose blog?
ICT can, via multimedia, improve the richness of the learning experience;
ICT can track a students progress and proficiency at certain skills;
They allow the teacher to focus on process rather than product;
Diagnostic tools allow the teacher to identify learning trends and problems; and
Student work, created electronically, lends itself to Internet publishing and the creation of student portfolio work.
yeah that's right heri.. using blog is effective for the students whose get in touch with the technology. that's why we as a teacher need to be more creative while designing our Blog in order to lead the students becomes an Independent learning. the last is, for our lovely lecturer, Zainal Arifin I really want to see the examples of your own disigning for this blog, if you have enough time, just in case if we getting bored with this templates. LOL :)
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BalasHapusName : Rizki Maharani
BalasHapusNIM : F12106033
Cell phone : 081257102054
Address : Jalan Media Gang Keluarga Media I No. 10-C
Why do we choose blog for teaching learning process? Blog is an effective way for teacher shared the information or material to the students without have to meet each other or classroom learning process. This is can create new atmosphere for students in their learning environment, because blog does not need to access in the classroom only. By using blog students can share and give their feedback every time they can and wherever they are as far as it can be accessed. The students and the teacher itself can be shared and discussed about the material continuously although there’s no learning process in the classroom.
I remember that Pak Zainal had told us to discuss about the constructivism and behaviourism. But the problem is, where should we post it?
BalasHapusAnyone can help?
Sir? :)
In our blog.,.
HapusName : Sitti Atika
BalasHapusStudent's no : F42110035
Cellphone : 0852 5265 9454
Address : Jl.serdam kmplek KORPRI perum kartika permai no.B2
Using blog, make it teaching learning process more interactive and easier. While we using blog as a media to learn, we can cooperation and collaboration. So that, behaviorism and constructivism be able to carried out.
I think it would be better if we can discuss it here, if it is possible.
BalasHapusGood day Sir,
BalasHapusI am student who just came back from KKN, so that I would like to say sorry for being late following your ICT-2 class. With this post I provide my personal information that I am going to post below. Thank you.
Name : Viktor Parsaulian Hasibuan
Student's Number : F12108060
Cellphone : 085751415678
Addres : Jln. Pangeran Natakusuma, Gg. Jambi, No. 50
Let's take the first discusion, I honestly share that bloging does not really adore me. I personaly muse that it is because I never try this. In fact, as far as I attemp to use this, I found that bloging really help us.Bloging supports teaching learnng process. We can share useful links to others, having discussion,and sharing our feelings, by simply typing in some text and letting the whole world be able to read what is going on in your head.
So, Many thanks to Mr. Zainal Arifin for inviting us using blog as a media to help learning and teaching process. I am really processing to now more and taking advantages to use blog.
Best regard, Viktor Hasibuan
HapusName : Renaldi Gultom
BalasHapusStudent's Number : F12108059
Cellphone : 0857587100188
Addres : Jln. Imam bonjol
Blog gives me many opportunities in both exploring my ability in designing interesting material that somehow can attract people to learn many things from my blog and also getting as much as possible advantages from the connection to many people who keep in touch with me through my blog. In short, blogging helps me to understand the idea of 'WHAT COMPUTER CAN DO FOR ME' & 'WHAT I CAN DO WITH COMPUTER'.
Name : Suryanto
BalasHapusStudent Number : F12110001
Cellphone number : 085310406061
Address : Jl. 28 Oktober Gg. Karakterdes Jalur II no 15
Why should we design blog for English teaching learning process?
I think blog can support teaching and learning process from many factors:
1. We can have a new style of teaching and learning process.
By using blog we are not only depending on text books or printed books as a source for teaching and learning process but we can also get the sources from the internet which is plenty. Students can have their own initiative to learn. They do not depends on their teacher anymore.
2. We can share our ideas and discuss it freely(from the aspect of time and place)
We as a student actually supposed to share our ideas besides accepting others idea so we can have a good discussion and enrich our knowledge. Therefore, we can do those things by using the blog.
3. We can learn more about new technologies which are growing so fast.
We know that technology is growing so fast from time to time. To face this challenge we need to expose our self with this kind of situation so we know the development of the technologies and know how to use it. Blog is also one of the developments of the technology so we need to know how to use it well.
4. Increase our curiosity in teaching and learning process.
We can get many things from internet especially entertainment such as games, music, film, etc. We can also increase our creativity to design our blog as attractive as we can by adding those entertainments.
Name : Ashartini Evi
BalasHapusStudent Number : F12108016
Cellphone : 085252056422
Address : Jl.Sungai Raya Dalam Komp. Kopri Gg.Beringin 6 no 172
As we know, in this era the paradigm of education is change. So, as the result the way of teaching learning is changing too. One of change is by using blog.I think I agreed with Rizky Maharani and Suryanto because blog is an effective way for teacher to share the information.
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HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusAslkm wr. Wb,,,
HapusName : Windy Ayu Lestari
SN : F42110022
Hp : 085750551011
Address : jl. Karangan no.11
I have sent my blog address through e-mail to you, sir,, sorry if i’m late. XD
Why should be blog for English teaching learning process ?
BalasHapusBecause i think in this case, by using blog we can make our own account without higher cost. We used a good media from this era (globalization) through blog to discuss something like issues in English teaching learning, so we have our own class or discussion between lecturer and their students or the member everywhere and every time. Blog give us much benefit when we used it such as make us easier to make it and to discuss something, to browse information, to show our skill in design our blog, to attract student in our learning, to shared with many people around the world etc...
and in the feature we have a good experience, for example if we want to make online business or anything so we didn’t find a big problem to access through blog and we are not a “unmodern person” again.. because of the benefit of using blog, so we have a reason to use blog for English teaching learning process .
BalasHapusCooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement.
BalasHapusCollaborative learning is based on the idea that learning is a naturally social act in which the participants talk among themselves. It is through the talk that learning occurs.
We can conclude that cooperative learning is combining two aspects or small teams that talk one idea in the learning process. Then, collaborative learning is combining many aspects or large teams that talk many ideas in the learning process.
Name : Deonisius Kalpari
BalasHapusStudent Number : F12108055
HP : 085752193536
Address : Jalan Parit Tengkorak Gang Pancabakti 3 nomor 5, Sungai Raya
I think blog is very important nowadays. Because with blog, we can share our ideas to many people. not only people in our country, but also people from all around the world. anyone who have access to internet can read our blog, and they can share their ideas so the blog owner.
The participants of the blog discussion do not have to meet face to face, it is the other strength of blog. So we can share our ideas to blog discussion anywhere and anytime as long as we have access to internet. So we can do a discussion any time while we are having a spare time or when we are watching television.
Name : Fransiska Yuniarti
BalasHapusNIM : F12110048
Address : Sepakat 2 block Q
Original : Kelam, Sintang
Cellphone : 085654172965
Why do I choose blog? Because I think through blog, we can make collaborative learning. We can share our ideas or information and if we don’t know about something, we can ask our friends we also can be independent learner in teaching and learning process.
Name : Novie Soanti
BalasHapusStudent Number : F42111027
Mobile Phone : +6282350232372
Adress : Jalan Daya Nasional (Jalan Karangan Blok B No.1)
Why we use blog because use blog in learning process is an alternative in teaching learning that are e-learning and student centered. Using of blogs also provide many benefits, such as learning process does not depend on lecturer, the students get more access to the source material, and the learning process is independent of distance, space and time.
NAME : Devi Suraya
BalasHapusStudent Number: F12111048
Mobile Phone :085650810242
Address: jl seram 2 no.15 b
Because when we use blog for English teaching learning pocess, we can interact with our students , we can easily give some assignment and they can replay the assignment as a comment. using blog we let the students to be able to use internet or technology as their teaching learning tools to interact with others.
Name : Yuliana yuyun
BalasHapusStudent Number : F42111029
Mobil phone : 085753182889
Adress: jl.parit haji husin 2
i'm so sorry for my lateness sir.
why we use blog because to learn through the blog we can share ideas with friends and lecturers.can be used for media to get information,easy to collect the task given by the lecturer.and we have a new style about teaching and learning process.
Thanks you.
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BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusName: Istikamah Salsabila
BalasHapusNim : F12111008
Class: B (Reg.A)
By blog we can share about many things. we can share ideas, opinion, problem solving, etc. we can interact with other people in the world, we will easier to find friends,get knowledge and make us easier in teaching learning process to get the information.
Name: Alifia Marsella
Address: Perum3 gg.bakau 2 no.92
because blog is the effective way as learning resource. I can give materials,videos,picture.other things is people can easily give advice and opinion about my posting in my blog . I can make my blog interesting to young learners to read it. i can check in my dasbor blogger whether my blog have been read , or not by people . also I can editing my previous blog without disturb my other posting.
Name : Sri Santi Kadevie
BalasHapusNIM : F12111072
Cellphone :085750133206
Address : Tanjung Raya II, Komplek Star Borneo Residence 3, Blok C5
we use blog as a media to share our knowledge with our friends and other people in the other side of world. we can get more information and gets new idea by discussing something. it can help us to open our mind and thinking about something in other ways.
Name: Nur Azizah
BalasHapusNim : F12111033
adress :jln.ayani, sepakat II
we use blog as a media to make teaching learning process more easier. in blog we can share our knowledge, opinion or question, especially when we shy to do it in front of class. teacher also can easily give some assignment and they can replay the assignment as a comment.
Assalamu'alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
BalasHapusfirst, i want to apologize for my lateness
here my identity
Name : Hidayaturrahmi
NIM : F12111066
Cellphone : 089614853132
Address : Jl.Danau Sentarum No.28
In my point of view by using the internet, it is convenient learning process because we do not just stare at a given time in the school or campus. through the medium of the Internet, children are classified as shy would be willing to participate without fear of feeling ashamed because of mistakes he might do. of so many media on the internet, we will be more easy and convenient to use the blog as we can reveal more on the blog without having hindered by the character limit that we can use like on facebook or twitter. on the blog we can also talk directly to each other and can directly reply to comments respectively.
name : Rika Sari
BalasHapusNIM : F12111018
cellphone: 089693541214
addreess : Jl. parit. H. Muksin II, Komp.Villa Anugrah Permai, No. A 16
because, from bloger, we can share our opinion, ideas, to promote creative writing and and also, we are will be able to communicate with other people without having to meet.
technology do not change teaching and learning, but can help us to introduce new methodologies and learning environtments.
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BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusSorry for being late ,sir..
BalasHapusHere is the new link of my blog. You'll be pleased to visit and give your opinion about my new blog.
Thank you for attention.
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BalasHapusName : Gellis Firdha Auliana
BalasHapusNim : F12111001
Class : A
Reguler : A
Semester : IV
Phone Number: 085750043035
Assalamu’alaykum.wr.wb Mr. Zainal Arifin
I am so sorry for being so late…
Why we use blog in teaching learning process?
Blog is one of many social medias which can be used in teaching learning process. We can use blog for teaching learning process because it gives many advantages for teacher sand students, they are :
1. Blog grinds creativity and creates active learning.
Blog is a social media which can be designed by ourselves. We can design the layout, screen, background, back sound, etc. Because of this, students are challanged to design and upgrade their blog. Their creativity will be drilled and drilles to make their blog’s template be beautiful, awesome, and …. More and more. Using blogin teaching learning will challenge students to be more active in learnung because they are involved.
Konfius, 2400 years ago state a famous statement till nowaday:
“I listen, I forget
I see, I remember
I do, I understand”
(Melvin L. Silberman.Active Learning.Page 23)
It means that students will be active in learning when they are involved in the process itself. Teaching learning process in class commonly is about see and listen activity. Teacher teach and explain, students see and listen. It is the lowest standard of teaching and learning process because students only as an object ; they are not involved). This teaching learning method is not effective because students will understand but they will forget it soon ; short-term memory. Students forget what they have seen and listened easily. That is why, as a qualified teacher we have to create an effective teaching learning process. Teaching learning process will be effective if students involved or participate 100% ; they be the subjects of learning. Blog is a media which help students to be active and involved by designing template till constructing contents.
HapusBlog is a toll which help students be active in learning. According to the data from , blog is a a social media which used by more than 9,888,693,239,087,117 people in the whole world. It means by using blog teacher and students can connect and communicate with the other teachers and students in the world. We can share ideas each other to create an interesting teaching learning process which to achieve successfull learning. We, as a students, can discuss with the other learners in every side of world. By discussing, students will be critical learner because in discussing students are expected to build their ideas into a good and locical argument which can be understood by others. In making a strong and acceptable arguments, students should have critical thinking. That is why blog is effective in making students active and succesfull in learning.
By using blog, students can make friends with the other students in the same or different country. After being a friend, they can discuss and transfer knowledge each other. According to Malvin L. Silberman in his book “Active Learning” page 31, he state that studying with friends is much more interesting than studying with teacher. That is why discussing and transfer knowledge with their friends in blog will be able to let them active and open minded in learning. Studying with friends give a chance for students to say their arguments, ideas and problems about learning. There is no border between them because they are in the same position, as a learner (and ussually it wiil be more effective if they are in the same age). They will not be shy to ask when they do not understand. They will not be afraid of being blame if they make a mistake. They will support each other to be better because they are friend. They will compete to be the winner in learning. And even there are bad people come to their blog and mocking them, it is no problem because by being mocked students will be challanged and really want to prove that they can do it. So, no matter supports or mocks which they get, that all will make them be challanged to prove their abilities. But, the question is : why should be blog?? Students can make friends with their friends in the class or school, no need using blog if only for making friends or discussing with friends ?
HapusOkey.. That is right that students can learn with their friends in the class or school. But, by using blog they can learn and discuss with their friends everywhere and everytime. They can learn in virtual class or what we call “class based on teleconference”. By using blog students can discuss with their friends in the school and new friends from other place or country. It means blog improve student’s networking. Students will get many new friends from other country which have different culture and point of view. Different point of view will bring and construct new knowledge for students. Discussing with other students from different culture and point of view also make us more brilliant in finding solutions. We get and transfer new knowledge or experience. After discussing problem or topic, students will applicate what they have gotten in the blog. By applicating knowledge, students will remember the knowledeg in long-term memory. SO, it is about :
Constructing case Questioning Critical thinking Discusssing Implication
Then, after they succes applicate what they have learned, they will be able to explain the knowledge to the other students.
The highest standars of teaching learning process effectively is when students can explain to the other students. Explaining to the other students means that the students have mastered the knowledge.
2. Blog let students fell free to share their thinking.
BalasHapusThere are two types of students in class : active and passive. They have a simmilarty : they are brilliant, but they also have a different : Brave and Timid. Active students are brave to share their thinkings in front of class but the passive students are not really brave to share their thinking. The problem is : Public speaking. Student’s problem in sharing their ideas to others are : they are too shy and have too many reasons to avoid. Speaking is impromptu and directly ; you should be quick. It will be embrassing when you say : emmmm… emmmmm or be silent in a long time because of trying to find a sentence which can deliver your ideas (come on!! Every body are waiting your sentences). You cannot pull back your sentence when you say something wrong or silly. But, students have much more time when they write their sentence. No body wait them. They are free for finding ideas as long as they want (denpends on situation). They can erase the sentence which is worng and revise it. No shy no cry. Students cannot blame the timid student when they are shy to speak and deliver thet argument, because every body has their own way in learning. That is why a good teacher is a teacher who can find a great way to let students learn and deliver they argument (sepaking or writing from). Teacher obeserve student’s idea or thinking from a way that students love (speaking or writing form). From Language Testing 1 class I get a knowledeg that before testing students, teacher should make sure that :
• students are ready to be tested
• students are tested in an O.K condition
• students are tested by the way that they are free and not stressed.
They are very important to get VALID score or result of students achievement.
That is why, blog is effective as a media for students to deliver their ideas in writing form.
The question is : why should be blog?? We can use journal or diary to let student deliver their ideas in writing form.
That’s right that we can use journal or diary. But, I still recommend using blog because:
• Journal or diary is a paper which made from trees. In this era, it is no need to use paper any more. We have to love green and our environment. So, by not using journal and diary (book and paper), teachers educate students to love green and environment.
• Using blog is efficient. No need to submit student’s book or paper work. Teacher can check student’s work in their blog anytime anywhere.
Actually, there are many advantages of using blog. But, here I only describe USING BLOG IN TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS. That’s all from me.
Wassalamu’alaykum wr.wb
Assalamualaikum sir, I am Nurwinda LAili Puspitasari(F12111045), 4th semester,Class A-Reg A
BalasHapusWhy use blog?
Before talking about the function, we have to know what blog is. Based on Wikipedia, , blog is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). From the definition which is given by Wikipedia we can consider the keyword of blog usage is "discussion and information”.
William Evans, the Blog founder, purposed Blog as a place to write diary, share information and programs. So, why should use Blog? Here, I will give some reasons why should use blog:
BalasHapusNIM : F42111031
Why should be bog for teaching learning process ?
The effective of using technology in Education has changed the face of education and it has created more educational opportunities. Both teachers and students have benefited from various educational technologies. Teachers have learned how to integrate technology in their classrooms and students are getting more interested in learning with technology, both students and teachers can collaborate in real time using advanced educational technologies.
Online education is flexible way for students to learn during their free time, and they also have change to interact with the other students.
(Williams & Jacobs, 2004, p. 232) are expanded exponentially, providing student writers with a far greater audience both within and outside the classroom. In his academic blog, Stanley (2006) notes that “(Blogs are) a way of opening up the classroom walls and showing the wider world what is happening... thus creating a small language learning community.”
Teachers naturally think back on what has happened in their classroom, and often wonder what they could have done better. Blogging can help with this process, enabling teachers to keep an ongoing personal record of their actions, decisions, though processes, successes and failures, and issues they have to deal with. Blogging can open up new audiences. You can become a teacher within an infinitely larger classroom, and as you blog on subjects you think are interesting, you will discover that there are plenty of other education professionals 'out there' who are also interested. People who are interested will eventually find your blog and visit it regularly to see if they can learn something new from you. Blogging can be one of creative way to students to develop their creativity. If you persist with blogging, you will discover that you develop new and creative ways to articulate what you want to say.