Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

Teaching Learning with ICT

Dear Students,
At the end of this even semester (2014/2015) you are supposed to have your own blog. To do the project, the class can be divided into groups consisting of at most 4 students in one group. So you can cooperate and work together. However, each student in each group should create his/her own blog. In the first part of session, while you are doing your project, we will be talking about theories with regard to the use of ICT in teaching learning process, then continued with a theoretical Mid Test (after at least 6 meetings). The second session after the mid test, there will be blog presentation presented by each groups. Along the way to the end you can discuss all about teaching learning with ICT in my blog. Good luck.

261 komentar:

  1. Assalammualaikum Mr. Arifin
    Name : G. Rezaqqi Mulki
    NIM : F1022141056
    Phone : 087818358386
    Email : gustirezaki@yahoo.com
    Blog : rejacki.blogspot.com

    I really excited when you gave us a task to make our own blog, I also agree that every student should have their own blog nowadays because they can share any information about everything they want to share whether it about education, businesses or even sharing about their personal daily life. It is a movement, eagerly embracing to the new beginning of the future in education that I believe one day ICT can lead to improved student learning and better teaching methods. But one thing that we have to remember, that there are still so many problem related to teaching and learning with ICT. One of the problem is the lack of internet connection in Indonesia, especially it is still very difficult and expensive to get a fast internet connection and if there is a free internet, it would be very difficult for us to use it because of the slow connection and that is one of the main problem that still blocking us in Indonesia to use internet in education, Another problem is the flood of information by using the internet as the source of any information that we need, it should be one of the biggest concern for us while we are learning by using ICT, The information that already spread in the internet is like a tons of jellyfish floating in the ocean, that we didn't know whether it is poisonous or not if we touch it, same thing happen like the flow of the information that we get from the internet, it could be a tragedy if we take a bunch of wrong information as our guidance in learning with ICT. I always remember a quote from Arthur C. Clark, he said "Getting information from the internet is like trying to get a glass of water from Niagara Falls." So what we have to do right now is to become skilled at decided which information is actually useful for us to obtain. Maybe other student would have a different point of view from me, That is why I hereby open this discussion with a view of problem in the 21st century, I really hope that in this discussion, we can find something to learn and to find the proper solution of teaching and learning with ICT problem together, especially in Indonesia, it is going to be useful not just for us but for everybody who do the study using ICT in the world.

    1. I think the problem is not the internet connection in Indonesia, because lack of internet connection is only a problem in our university.
      As you said every student can share information about everything they want to share, including education. Will someone shares something poisonous or wrong information about education? Does not someone share information about education with a view to sharing the knowledge that they know. I mean everyone will surely give you the information that they think is right and not something poisonous or incorrect information, and then we respond to agree or disagree with their opinion.

    2. A very good starting point Rezaqqi and Atiqa. Go on expressing your ideas regarding this issue. I can have a look at your discussion anytime. Do not forget that you can use theories from experts, as long as you mention the names (as your references), Good luck.

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    5. Name : Ridho Ardi Pratama
      NIM : F1021141076
      Phone : 081257615590
      Email : ridhovanitas@gmail.com
      Blog : ridhoardipratama.blogspot.com

      And that's what social media was made for. I agree with Atika here. There are a lot of internet users around the world and that is the cause why we can get so many informations, including what you guys called "poisonous" information here. Each of them has their own ideas about some things, and maybe there are a lot of misunderstandings in those ideas. So through social media, you can give your own opinion and start a discussion with them. And through those discussion, there are a lot of chances that they will know more about some things from new prespectives and bettering their own ideas by removing the wrong informations with the right ones. They will keep revising until they are very sure that their theories are right. Those are at least of what I'm thinking.

    6. Firstly I want to say thank you to Mr. Arifin for the support and Thank you Atiqa and Ridho, I want to suggest something to both of you. If we want to starts a discussion. All we have to do is study it from the fact and reality especially in this case, ICT for teaching and learning is the main topic. So to find a proper answer of all the problem in ICT for education in Indonesia, we should ask some advice from the expert of ICT such as our lecture, kominfo Indonesia, tech advisor and of course from all the teacher in the school who used ICT in Teaching and Learning. And to find it we can use Internet as our media or we can use traditional way by directly meeting them. That's all from me and please be active to keep learning and improving!

    7. Okay, thanks for the suggestion. By the way, you said that we can ask the experts about ICT in Indonesia like Kominfo, right? So, do you know any links to sites like those?

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. in this holistic era internet is a must. We can find almost everything in the internet. People whole around the world using an internet. Then, after a long time I found a reason again why I have to re-open my blog again. I am absolutely positive about Mr. Arifin ideas about go blogging. Why? Because our study programee is push us to be an international student, to know every single thing in the world wide issue, then make an effective use of the internet. So, Mr. Arifin really help by creating Teaching Learning with ICT and Go blog for us as English studied programee to go international and having a world wide mind. Hope, there is an improved on the internet connection in our campus or even the government are thinking about how to provide a cheapest price for internet quota.

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Hope doesn't going to bring you to anything good. "The sky is limit!" so if you want everything better in the future just fix anything that block in your way. Such as Internet in our Campus we can make a proposal to our dean to add new Internet provider like Wigo or Wimax 4G in our campus but the most important thing right now in our campus is not Internet but the Genset / Electric Generator so that we can still study even if it blackout.

    3. I like the word GENSET that you said Reza. I also think about that. I have a question here, Don't they know that we are REG B student? We are standing in night class, aren't we? How can we get the class if it's blackout?

    4. I do agree with you all, How can we achieve to the advanced technology?
      Even for a common and very simple technology, just like the generator has not been able to be realized, where we really need it.

    5. I do respect all of your opinion guys in here, but its a little bit out of the topic. But its okay, our campus needs to improving their services especially provide us the electrical generator. then, Reza, I agreed with your idea but, its still expensive

    6. But I thought that our faculty has enough money to pay it Febry. :b

    7. yea Kristina Lusi. has a lot. I was thinking that our money is not expensive enough

  4. Life is full of risks. every aspects in our life has the risks. Internet, is one of life's part. we always use it for many necessity. good or bad Internet for us is how we use internet for our life and how wise we are to use it. About the connection of internet in our region is not a big problem. every people get internet connection easily.

  5. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
    Name: Chandra Andrean
    NIM: F1022141062
    Phone: 08981391711
    Email: Chandraandrean7@gmail.com
    Blog: chandandrean.blogspot.com
    In this opportunity I want to share my idea why ICT important for education especially blog (blogging). Why blog important for education ( teaching and learning) ?
    Blogging is about information and relationships. A blogging community has potential to build teacher-teacher relationships, teacher-student relationships, and student-student relationships. Teachers can utilize blogging for a variety of purposes. Teacher can build relationship not only with their students but student’s parents too. Teacher can write the assignments, updating them on classroom activity and news. How to make relationship with students? It is by post questions or about current subject matter and ask student to respond with their opinions and ideas. For teacher communication to their students is important because to know how progress of their materials and how students accept materials for their knowledge.
    Blogging isn’t for teachers but also for students. Via blog students have opportunities to build a good relationship with teacher and each other. When students share their opinions, they express something that can’t express at classroom. And for students who have problem with speak, may they can “speak” too much in blog. Students today are motivated by technology, they have grown up in an environment where technology is assumed. By invite students to have participate and contribute into technology, we as teachers challenge them to use technology with experienced.
    Beside that, there are many problems if we will use this way to teach. But in 21st Century we must use it for support the process of teaching and learning, because we are in era of technology now.

    1. I am absolutely posetive with your ides chandra, but could you tell me more how the way the teacher gives the students task except using their blog?

    2. sorry Chandra Andrean. to be honest I don't agree about " Blogging isn’t for teachers but also for students " how can students learn even they don't have any teacher to teach, at least to lead them to be creative by blogging. we also know that by blogging there will be a way of Teaching Learning between teacher and students, so the teachers teach students and students learn from teachers..by blogging

  6. Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
    Name : Andita Febriansari Dana Putri
    NIM : F1022141045
    Phone : 085750067293
    Email : dita.vdz@gmail.com
    Blog : febyanditafdp.blogspot.com
    I am absolutely positive with Mr.Arifin ideas that we should to make our own blog for teaching learning by using ICT. I think, blog is the best platform for us to prove our writing abilities and also it can help us to exspress ourselves. Burton Cummings said in his quote, “I can put up a blog in 10 seconds.” It means making a blog is really quickly and easily. Thousands of blogs are created everyday and for different purposes. Some people make a blog for their business, some to share their voice with the word, some to immortalize their life events and their personal daily life. It is a good way for student like us to share any information about education. Blogging gives us some benefits such as providing an ideal platform for discussion, self-expression, developing a voice, and collective as well as collaborative learning. Further, it helps us to see our work in different subjects as interconnected and helps us to organize our own learning. Blogging also supports digital literacy as the student learns to critically access and evaluate various online resources.
    Bortree, D.S. (2005) said: “Additionally, blogs give students ownership over their own learning and an authentic voice, allowing them to articulate their needs and inform their own learning. Blogs have been shown to contribute to identity-formation in students.“
    An important thing to teaching and learning by using ICT is we need the internet access. I agree with Reza and Atika, we still have a trouble about the lack internet connection in our campus. Hopely, there is a proper way from university to solve it and we will not get some trouble in the internet connection anymore.

    1. that is cool dita I love your idea, lets explore more than abut making a good and useful blog.

    2. Thanks for your comment febri. Okay, let's do that. I'm waiting for your great suggestion more.

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  8. Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
    Name : Farhana Assegaf
    NIM : F1022141041
    Phone : 089693211142
    Email : hana_seggaf@yahoo.com
    Blog : hanaseggaf.blogspot.com

    Yeah I agree with you guys, with ICT we can get an education and be able to teach in a way that everyone can become a modern and creative. We also can do business to make money by using a blog it was amazing :D
    by the way i feel so lucky we have a good lecture that taught us ICT :)
    ICT prove that students who use educational technology to feel more successful in school they are more motivated to learn more and increase confidence. It also confirms that many students find learning in a stimulating setting enhanced technology and much better than in a traditional classroom environment (Pedetti and Mayer-Smith 1998).
    Yeah I also hope that we may more easily access the internet in our campus because we really need it !!!

    1. I do agree with you Hana. I also hope that we can get internet access well

  9. Assalammualaikum

    Name : Dintania Meydianda
    NIM : F1021141051
    E-mail : meydianda.dintania@yahoo.com

    I do agree with you, all. The ICT can really help us, especially in this modern era where everything becomes highly sophisticated. Nevertheless, you also have to realize that you shouldn't let the ICT controls your life. As an admonition, The Almighty One has created us as perfect as a creature, and he also gave us a faculties of mind. He wants us to improve ourselves, and become a skillful man. He doesn't want us to become a lazybones and an addict otherwise. Really tragic to see some of us just waste their times by sitting in front of their lappies, and don't do anything apart from dating with their opium (specifically : the social media, and online games). As a result, we should become a wise and smart user. Besides, we also have to remember that we ought not to let the technology takes control on us.
    Wassalam :)

    1. Dintania the internet is about having a huge resources of something we looking for, but we have to make sure we use it wisely as what you said, because even in the internet we could find anything in the internet but that's not our God, cause I've ever found an article stated that Internet has become our God, so we can't just let this disaster happened

  10. Assalamualaikum, wr. wb

    I do agree with all of you, guys. In this era, we are living in a digital world. ICT has an impact on almost every aspects of our lives - from learning, working, socializing and playing. Everyone is able to use the technology, from the youngest one until the oldest one. We must realize that young people especially student using technology. This technology can be useful for them to learning, get information, and so on. As technology becomes more and more embedded in our culture, we must provide learners with experiences that allow them to feel more comfortable while they learning with technology, than just read a book. That's why ICT has an important role in learning. Technology, can be a really good method in teaching learning. But, technology also has many bad things for students. In this point, I do agree with Dintania that many of us just waste their times by sitting in front of their PC, and just enjoying something not really good for them - social media, games and the other stuff. Finally, once again we should become a wise and smart user of technology. Don't let the technology become an evil, that will bring us to the wrong path.

  11. Good evening,

    I do agree with you too, prospective teachers. :)
    ICT can really help us and very useful to get information, especially in education.
    By ICT, we can also discuss about learning materials in everywhere and every time, just with our devices and good internet connections. That's very useful for us to discuss about something in case like this in Mr. Zainal's blog. Because we don't need to go out or go some places for a meeting.
    For now, starting to go blog is the important thing that we need. As our lecture says, we must go blog if we do not to be "goblok". We don't just download information from internet but we can upload useful information too. We can be a blogger to provide good information for another one.

    Thank you.

  12. So, the information above means that we are going to manage our own blog with the teamwork, doesnt it? Do we work in group and help each other to enhance the blog, for the upcoming presentation?

    1. I think each person has two blogs. The first blog is for ourself and the second is for our group. But, I am not really sure about it. Because as I know we just need one blog for group. But, when I read about it. I think we have to make two blogs, or we can ask about it to mr. Arifin first so we will know what should we do

    2. I think you need to have two blogs which are yours and your group's.

    3. Sorry guys, I don't think so. as I heard from Mr. Arifin in evening class, he said that we are supposed to make our own blog and as you know we must have a group consisting of four. so we just need to have one blog, and for the presentation we must change one of blogs in our group. maybe the best on.

    4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    5. Yes, we've asked about it to mr. Arifin and thanks for your information :)

  13. Good night, sir.
    Name: Rosalia Teodora Haran
    NIM: F1021141045
    E-mail: teodoraharan@gmail.com
    All of you had mention roles and impacts of the ICT in teaching and learning process. I do agree with you, guys. ICT has an important role in teaching and learning process. It has positive and negative impacts too. The technology makes learning process become more effective. The students are able to study from internet, because it provides many information there. They also get knowledge about technology. In the other hand, some students have no creativity, because they like to use simple ways like technique copy-paste. Internet can also provide bad information. If the students cannot filter the information, they will fall into the negative things. So, it is essential to have self-control.

    1. It's the point teodora haran, we know CO-PAS is a truth. that's the Technology, that's why we call it sophisticated. it's fine if we just copy and paste. if we can get good theory for our Learning Process, Why not? but we should read and understand it before

  14. Name : Poppy Iga Mauludiana
    NIM : F1021141049
    email : poppyiga@gmail.com
    All of you have already mentioned why ICT is important for our teaching learning process, so here I'd like to give you some theories from experts that I've got from edtechreview.in/trends-insights/insights/959-advantages-of-using-ict-in-learning-teaching-processes to emphasize your opinions.

    For most European countries, the use of ICT in education and training has become a priority during the last decade.
    Blanskat, Blamire, kefala (2006) conducted a study carried out in national, international, and European schools. With the aim to draw evidences regarding the advantages and benefits of ICT in schools achievements. It seeks to measure the impact of ICT on students’ outcomes. The study also tried to establish a link between the use of ICT and students’ results in exams. The findings are interesting: ICT has positive impact on students’ performances in primary schools particularly in English language and less in science. Schools with higher level of e-maturity show a rapid increase in performances in scores compared to those with lower level. In addition, schools with sufficient ICT resources achieved better results than those that are not well-equipped. There is a significant improvement on learners’ performances. Finally, teachers become more convinced that educational achievements of pupils are due to good ICT use. In fact, high percentage of teachers in Europe (86%) states that pupils are more motivated when computers and internet are being used in class.

    Thank you.

  15. Assalamualaikum.wr.wb
    Name : Restu winarsih
    NIM : F1021141064

    Firstly,I want to response what Rizaqqi have said that the information which already spread in the internet could be poisonous or useful for us.

    I'm agree with your opinions. Nowadays, everyone can browse the information practically through internet. They also can create a blog or a site easily,but in this case the problem is we do not really know about the accuracy of the informations which we have got.

    I do agree with the ideas for using technology (internet) wisely. As a future teacher, we need to have knowledge of ICT. We could create new innovative ways to make the learning process in education to be more interesting. We could prepare and give some videos or 3D pictures as a real pattern,so the students are not just imagining what they have studied. The other ways, we could create a virtual world (such as blogs or sites) among teachers and students,so that both of them could be keep in touch although they are not in a class. They could have some discussion whether it is about the materials or current topics.

    As we know, in this time there are many facillities in mobile phone which could help us with learning process,but it is back to urselves whether to use it wisely or just ignore these fascinating of technology.

  16. Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb..
    my name is Julfanida Fitriani; F1021141068

    First of all, I want to say that I'm agree with all of you about ICT, you said that technologies are being useful to teachers and students. ?

    Now I would like to tell you about ICT in teaching learning process.
    As we know, in modern life technology is so important to us, especially for students and teachers. Technologies are related to teaching and learning process because if we use technologies for teaching, learning process it will be more easily. But there is a impact of ICT on teaching and learning process, it can make a difference. Why? This is the reason. There's evidence from research that ICT can help students and teachers to teach more effectively. However there's no a simple message in such evidence that ICT will make a difference simply by being used. Findings suggest that although ICT can improve learning, there are a number of issues that need to be considered if kind of technology is going to make a difference.

    1. Sorry.. I don't really get it what you were trying to explain, Could you tell me please what kind of issues of ICT that can make a difference?

    2. Yeaah.. the meaning of make a difference here is you know that a lot of technologies can be used for ICT , such as like laptop, LCD and so on.. but there are some technologies that teachers and students didn't understand, I mean there are simple technologies and difficult technologies... so between simple and difficult that's make a difference.. I think that's my answer , I'm sorry for mistakes.. I just read it in an article.

  17. Assalamualaikum
    Name : Nofila Cici Viranci
    NIM : F1021141074

    I do agree that ICT is really important for us. We know that ICT gjves us many advantages, for example we can know about our body's organ. We can know how our bloodstream system works, etc.
    Not only that, ICT also gives students and teacher good impacts. In http://www.infodev.org/articles/impact-icts-learning-achievement, ot shows us sone good impacts if we used ICT in our teaching or learning progress. One of them is ICT gives an impact for students motivation. In this link it tells us that ICT can promote learner autonomy.
    Evidence exists that use of ICTs can increase learner autonomy for certain learners.
    Because of that I think we should use ICT, because ICT gives us many advantages and good impact.

    Thank you

  18. assalamaualaikum Sir,,
    NIM : F1022141058
    I am very excited about this topic (teaching Learning with ICT). as we know that in globalization era right now, our teaching system/method must be changed. I remember when I was in elementary and junior high the atmosphere was very different. My teachers just used a practical system of their teaching in the class such as speech a lot, wrote a lot, and just listened them. It was really hard to used the medias as a part of their teaching method. It is a big view of our condition of education. (especially in Indonesia) as You(Mr.Arifin) told us about one of the reasons why do our teachers are really hard to use the medias cause they don't know or don't master to used it. besides this I know there're also a lot of reasons such as computers, LCD P, Internet facilities ..it's fine. but now I am talking about something else, also an important thing. So now I think we have a big challenge we have a big Job to change this condition for our future by ourselves. That's why we get Teaching Learning With ICT in our study. I think by This way we can prepare ourselves and of course with a great teacher like Mr.Arifin.. we must be happy and be proud of This. I forget that I think that is also the reason why are we supposed to make our own Blog in this Subject.
    That's all for me Sir and also you guys
    Thanks, Wassalam

    1. I am strongly agree with your idea awista, but, could you tell me more about the program how the teacher in holistic era would be?

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  20. Good Morning Sir. I'm Uliana Sara Marpaung (F1022141069). In my opinion, information and communications technology (ICT) refers to all the technology used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions. Although ICT is often considered an extended synonym for information technology (IT), its scope is more broad. ICT has more recently been used to describe the convergence of several technologies and the use of common transmission lines carrying very diverse data and communication types and formats. In today’s interconnected world, information and communication technology (ICT) is widely used by our nation and it affects our lives everyday. It gives great impact in education for the learners and teachers. ICT has become a key driver in education way as well as it has been identified by a range of important wider benefits of ICT on learning. The positive impact of ICT on students’ skills and teamwork are included. But, ICT have disadvantages for future. For example, infringement of intellectual property due to the illegal download and sharing of unlicensed learning software. The software are freely accessible from the net, and due to difference in application of intellectual property laws in different countries, it has become had to deter the practice. The internet and easy accessibility of information through illegal downloads has led to rapid increase in plagiarism leading to poor education standards. Students are not able to produce quality research due to lack of knowledge to undertake research. Plagiarism also has led to led to degrading of education standards from certain countries and institutions.
    That's all from me

  21. I think the use of ICTs help improve the quality of education. In addition, campus with sufficient ICT resources achieved better results than those that are not well-equipped. There is a significant improvement on learners’ performances, students consider that ICT tools very helpful in that it helps them to do assignments. As I know there are several benefits of ICT such as:
    -Developing of higher level learning styles.
    -Students who used educational technology in campus felt more successful in campus, were more motivated to learn and have increased self-confidence and self-esteem.
    -Developing of writing skills.
    -Students found learning in a technology-enhanced setting more stimulating and student-centred than in a traditional classroom.
    - Flexibility of anytime, anywhere access.
    So we must more develop to use ICT cause ICT has significant impact on teaching and learning processes.

    Thank you.


  22. Good afternoon.. I'm Petrus Gito Budiman (F1022141074)

    I'm agree with all of your opinion that using ICT in teaching and learning has many benefits. but in our region, it is so difficult to get the internet connection, in many villages exactly. it's okay if we talking about the internet connection in cities and surroundings, but if we talking about in villages that can reach with 24 hours trip for example. it is too far distance to get good internet connection. I think we should think twice in using ICT in education. it is about getting internet connection, how about the learner and teacher knowledge about ICT?
    we should think twice in using ICT as a learner and teacher.
    that's all from me, thank you...

    1. I do agree with you that the rural areas don't have a good connection to the internet. The condition makes the areas difficult to use ICT in teaching and learning process. Then, some teachers and students don't know how to use computer and the other tools that are related with ICT.

    2. Gito,, So do you have any idea or suggest for this problem?

    3. Awista, I think teachers should has their own tools that related to ICT.

    4. what's kind of tool that they ought to have? could you give the example?

    5. First, they should to have modem to access the internet. Then laptop and also LCD projector.

    6. we all have known that the tools are expensive, and how about the teachers doesnt have money to buy the tools?

    7. I do agree Gito, but based on your own opinion, whose job it is, for separating the internet into isolated or even a small village, as a citizen, we have the same right isnt it

    8. Dian, I think teachers have enough money to buy these tools. in our country, teachers have more pay attention from government. especially in outlying region. teachers who teach in outlying region sure receive the subsidy. so, use it wisely to using ICT in teaching and learning.
      Febri, mmm I think it is our job as a future teacher. and also we should cooperate with the government to solve the problem in using ICT teaching and learning.

    9. Dian, I think the problem is not about money. if we want to work hard impossible is nothing. but I think the best way they must buy all the tools that students and teachers need but do it perfectly. so there will be not Lack Internet, Computer without monitor, and also LCD Projector with STICK

    10. I do agree with all of you, but In my point of view to buy that tools isn't teacher's responsibility, but that school should for buying that. don't you?

    11. wizta, are you sure it's not about money? so, you mean that if we just work hard we will get the tools? huh?

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  24. Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb..
    My name is Siti Oktavianti; F1022141067

    I believe the key of the future education is in "e-learning" method, Why? because technologies once only imagined are now opportunities that can be implemented in the classroom. Audio and video conferencing, blogs, podcasts, RSS feeds, social media, social bookmarking and wikispaces are popular means of communicating in today’s society especially in the developed country. However, Advances in communication technologies, such as widespread use of the Internet, have opened new avenues for continuing higher education. These advances have allowed educators to provide for and satisfy individual variations in learning, Once these newer technologies are better understood and appreciated, educators can evolve their teaching strategies to help their students remain competitive in the global society.
    In a document entitled Teaching and Learning with ICT, G. Galea (2002), it is explained how ICT can promote teaching and learning. According to Galea, there are two main reasons to increase the use of ICT in education in the United Kingdom. First, ICT can change the lessons’ pace. She states that children in modern society need to develop sufficient skills to take full advantage of the new opportunities that ICT offers. Secondly, there is a growing rise of academic interest in the UK, especially in how technological tools can enhance the quality of teaching and learning in schools, and by doing so, help learners to achieve better outcomes.

    Thank you very much.

    1. I can't agree with you more, Anti that's is so true that Technology is just a tools and all we have to do is making the best use of it to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in schools and as a developing country, Indonesia should keep improving their human source for ICT by keep learning from developed country.

    2. besides, our country haven't enough preparation to use e-learning method.

    3. Im sorry Ive just read your comment here, I do agree with your opinion, Im hoping that Indonesian Government would try their best for improving the internet connection, yet it will take a long time, cause lots of Indonesian live separately in the different island, the government have to make fair for every island.

    4. Sitifebry Wahyuni, we know it's our hope today. but this condition has occured since a long time ago? can it be realized?

    5. How about we are focus to our faculty's internet connection first? I meant if we are talking about Indonesian government it's not easy for them for doing that because we have too big island somehow we stayed too far from them.

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  26. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb..
    I'm Nia Utami (F1022141054)

    I think the use of ICT in education is absolutely required. Use ICT in teaching and learning process is a interesting topic for our education. Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to improved student learning and better teaching methods. A report made by the National Institute of Multimedia Education in Japan, proved that an increase in student exposure to educational ICT through curriculum integration has a significant and positive impact on student achievement.I do agree that ICT is really important for us. We know ICT gjves us many advantages. There is a lot of advantages of ICT. If you have good technology in your classroom, let's say projector, laptop, the lecturer can teach his students more efficiently, unlike writing in the chalkboard that will take hours. And technology provides better visual aids. ICT also in terms of finding learning materials from original sources and recognized, example if we want to finding articles from international journals, we can get it just by sitting in front of computers connected to the Internet network. All information about English can be presented in a short time just by using the Internet. That’s why we need the internet acsess.

    1. How to use ICT in indonesia? Especially in rural areas that no have internet connection? Do you have idea?

    2. It is our duty as a teacher to teach them conventionally. we cannot reinforce the idea that every area in Indonesia has to have the internet connection because Indonesia is such a big country, Petrus. Besides, our government still has a lot of problem to solve. Not only about the internet connection, but also about something even bigger and crucial such as destitution. So in this case, for the teachers who teach in the rural areas, they must be more creative and also try to do their best by using everything that they have got as good as possible.

    3. I really agree with you Dintania Meydianda. A teacher is not only focussed in one hand, also our government has a lot of problem to solve. developing ICT project is a big thing and it's not easy to do by developing country like Indonesian.

    4. I was thinking about how about Indonesian government try to make the ruman resources in Indonesia more better, so that they are going to think about the ways how to solve our problems, especially how to use ICT in Indonesian Education that has full of decreaseness of internet connection?

  27. ICT (information and communications technology - or technologies) is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as video conferencing and distance learning.
    So,, what did you wait???Lets learning with ICT.


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  30. In your opinion, how to overcome the internet addict for people who are addicted?

    1. Hi Gito, I do experienced with the addiction of the internet, like social media, I still looking for the data, then I tell you soon, if I found the exact ways, at that time I was stopping by my mom and making a schedule which Ive to or a list thing to do

    2. I do agree with Siti that the best way to overcome people who really addicted of using the technology is we need to have a time management for ourselves and then distinguish between times for study, browse social media nor playing online game. So, how to overcome this problem is depend on ourselves i think.:)

    3. are you sure febry? how if your mom let you using it everytime? how to overcome from yourself?

    4. I've read this one. I do hope it helps you a lot. You just have to check this out, Petrus http://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Internet-Addiction

      Have a nice day, peace out :)

    5. Gito, back to your main destination why you use the Internet. it depends on you. You can distinguish it's good or bad, can't you?

    6. okay thanks for your suggest Dintania.
      Yups Awista..

    7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    8. Well I think it's depending on ourselves. But when we see our friends is the one who become addicted with this stuff, as a friend we can do something with them. I think we can ask them to do some activity that more interesting like hangout or something like that, playing football, playing music instrument (if he/she could do this) and so on. So that we pull our friends away from the internet addiction, and he/she can live normally without addicted to the internet or social media.. What do you say?

  31. Salwani Rahmaniar
    English B Reg A

    For all the opinions, i totally agree. As we know, the technology is more important for our life. To be a modern people, we have to understand what and how to use the technology as our divice. It is not only for working, but education is still needful. "Why technology?" it is the old question for me, because you should ask "How we use it? can we starting now?"
    Dont look the technology just from the negative side only, although we have to avoid it too.
    beside that, we are going to talk about ICT. This is the answer if you are hard to study. Why? it can help you when you are boring in your book, I mean, your book is not only just many of millions words but it have not a picture inside that. you are study about the shape of human's body, but there's no example (a picture), so, can you imagine it? I think, it is hard. And then, for the simple way but extremelly helpful you can open your PC, connecting to the internet, and use the search engine as Eriani said before, then write what you want to know on it, and TRING!!!! you can see all the material that you want.
    Once again, ICT in education is extremelly helpful and fun.
    Thank you, and you can also leave your comments :)

  32. Good evening Mr.Arifin, I'm Jessy Putri from B class reg A.
    NIM: F1021141050
    Aside from English and education, I’m always fascinated by information technology. My life always revolves around it; I use my phone all the time, I often browse the Internet, and I really love playing games on my tablet. I am amazed by how easy our lives have been made with the assistance of these things, and I love observing how they permeate all aspects of our life.
    Since I am also interested in English, particularly in the way that it is taught to people, I’d like to talk more about how and why technology has made teaching English easier. Back in my high school days, almost every part of my English learning in school is done by conventional method: There were textbooks, teachers who explain things in front of the class, and of course a heavy English dictionary that had to be carried to class every time I attend the class. The class seemed to go well without any problem at all; Homework was done, exercises was worked, and we learned what a high school student is supposed to know about English. But can it be more that that? Can we make the class and learning English in general more exciting? Can we not carry that heavy dictionary everywhere? Can we not sift through its thousands of its page just to find out that the word that we were looking for wasn’t listed there? I think the answer is yes. Yes, we can do that with the aid of information technology.

    1. oke jess,, I think I have a little confuse about your opinion here,, please explain to me, next time. or even you have time :)

    SN : F1022141051

    Good afternoon everyone ....
    Well, In my point of view Teaching Learning with ICT is a very interesting subject i ever have. Why? Because we are requiring to make our own blog in the process of our lecturing. Somehow we got big opportunities to share and to get any information each others.In recent years ICT is very important for the process of our education. It has so many adventages for us because there are so many aplication are offering us to be a source of information. Such as E-Learning, Online Courses, Electronic Library, Computer Aided Instruction,etc. Can you imagine that we can to be more independently and more creatives by using ICT . Since, we can decide whenever and whereever we want to study. Like Jean Piaget said “ The principal goal of education is to create men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done “ she said. That’s why i think that ICT is important for our education. Because we can to be a creator of something new for our country by getting a bunch of information into it.On the other hand, as a develop country, Indonesia has a serious problem with Internet connection, especially in our Faculty. As the generations, we are feeling too difficult to get any information and materials by using our low internet connection. How can we become a creator when we have to face a problem of Internet Connection? I really hope that we can get a better of Internet Connection later. So it’s easy for us to expand our knowledge and to create something new. Thank you.

  34. Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
    Atika hapsari
    English B reg A

    Well, I'm really agree with all opinions.ICT is very interesting and helpful in teaching learning process.As we know ICT have become commonplace entities in aspects of life. Across the past twenty years the use of ICT has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavour within business and governance.And education is a very socially oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been associated with strong teachers having high degrees of personal contact with learners.I think the use of ICT in education lends itself to more student centred learning settings. But with the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in education is becoming more and more important and this importance.So, It will continue to grow and develop in the 21st century. Thank you .

    Wassalam :)

  35. Assalammualaikum wr.wb.
    Ratih Purnamasari
    Class B ( Reg A )

    I do agree with all opinion. That the ICT is very important and very interesting for use to the study. ICT as I know as, that not many people to use ICT to learn, especially at school like the teachers or the lecturer. They do not use the ICT to learn, because they think that use ICT for study it's can be the students to be like a lazy student. But, I hope we are the students which id know about the ICT, the function of ICT, we must tell to them about it. You know that ICT can helpful to the students and the lecturer. I don't know what again I say for it. But I have saome words for it like, "ICT is not Everything" but "Everthing need ICT". Maybe just it I can say. Thank you Sir...

  36. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Name : Luthfi Dian Atika
    Nim : F1022141053
    Reg B
    I really unnerved with this blog. Cause, we can learn and should be fighting our silaturahim. As we know every study program have two difference time to study, in the morning and in the evening, but in this blog we look have equal time to learn together although difference place. We can communicate and sharing many information and opinion about education or the other without face to face. Much obliged to Mr.Arifin has given us a new learn about blog.
    Talk about ICT I've read an article. For mos European, the use of ICT in education and training has become a pririty during has decade.

  37. Assalamualaikum
    Name : Dinda Ria Harmonis
    NIM : F1021141042
    B class Regular A

    The state that the ICT and technology is really helpful and useful in our educational lives is undeniable. They provide countless information and dozens of educational sources to help us enhance our language acquisition. One of the example is when i use the Multimedia presentations (video, images, sound, text) that can create stronger memory links than in textbook alone. In addition, digital technologies allow instant playbacks, which provide me with quick and easy access to different sections of instructional materials than when they are using a textbook. And the Technology also helps me to enhance comprehensibility through video materials online that can be enhanced with full captions, key-word captions, and speech slowdown, allowing me to more easily digest the information. And digital reading materials can be hyperlinked to different media, which students like us can choose to help their comprehension of the material.

  38. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  39. Assallammualaikum Wr. Wb.
    Thanks to Mr.Arifin for all his advices, that can make me have my own blog.
    Name : Prisilla Rika
    Nim : F1022141044
    Phone number : 089604601766
    Email : rikaprisila96@gmail.com
    Blog : prisilarika.blogspot.com

    As teachers and educators, we are constantly required to review, evaluate and renew our teaching strategies to align them with the cultural, technological ethos of the era we are living in. In today's era, the digital component is at the foreground which obviously calls for a new mindset. In the fast changing world of the early 21st century public education is also changing. Reid Wilson, what make the profile of a modern educator.

  40. Role of the teacher

    Teachers remain central to the learning process
    A shift in the role of a teacher utilizing ICTs to that of a facilitator does not obviate the need for teachers to serve as leaders in the classroom; traditional teacher leadership skills and practices are still important (especially those related to lesson planning, preparation and follow-up).
    Some Recommended Resources
    to learn more ….

    Breaking Down the Digital Walls: Learning to Teach in a Post-Modem World [Burniske 2001]
    Building Capacity of Teachers/Facilitators in Technology-Pedagogy Integration for Improved Teaching and Learning [UNESCO 2003]
    E-learning for Educators - Implementing the Standards for Staff Development [National Staff Development Council 2001]
    Enabling Teachers to Make Successful Use of ICT [Peter Scrimshaw 2004]
    ICT and pedagogy: A review of the research literature [Cox 2003]
    ICT Supporting Teaching - Developing Effective Practice [Becta 2002]
    Impacts of ICT in education. The role of the teacher and teacher training [Jager 1999]
    Information Technology: Underused in Teacher Education [Milken Family Foundation 1999]
    The Missing Link in Educational Technology: Trained Teachers [Carlson 2002]
    Multichannel Learning Maximizes Scarce Resources in Developing Countries: A theory evolves from years of practical experience [EDC 2001]
    Teacher professional development on ICT Use in Education in Asia and the Pacific: Overview from Selected Countries [UNESCO-Bangkok 2004]
    Teachers … Training … and Technology [Haddad 2000]
    Technology, Innovation, and Educational Change—A Global Perspective [Kozma 2003]
    Teacher professional development on ICT Use in Education in Asia and the Pacific: Overview from Selected Countries [UNESCO 2004]
    Teacher Professional Development in the Use of Technology [Carlson 2002]
    Technology in Teacher Education: A Closer Look [Bielefeldt 2001]
    Towards a Strategy on Developing African Teacher Capabilities in the Use of ICT [Schoolnet Africa 2004]
    What styles of computer training enhance teachers' competence and confidence to use ICT? [Edmondson 2002]
    What the Research Says about ICT and Teacher Continuing Professional Development [Becta 2003]

  41. Name : Fuji Lestari
    NIM : F1021141067
    E-mail : Lestafuji31@gmail.com
    Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
    I think I’m too late to join in this discussion, but I’m still want to share my opinion here. I do agree with some opinions in this discussion. As I found from http://edtechreview.in/trends-insights/insights/959-advantages-of-using-ict-in-learning-teaching-processes, nowadays Information and Communication Technologies have recently gained groundswell of interest. It is a significant research area for many scholars around the globe. Their nature has highly changed the face of education over the last few decades. Tecnology was like something important in many ways of life, such as on teaching and learning. For most European countries, the use of ICT in education and training has become a priority during the last decade, and I think Indonesia need to do the same. I remember when I was on my senior high school, not all of my teachers could be able to use or teach with ICT , and now we are going to be a teacher, we should do better or maybe make a change, cause I think in our period to be a teacher later, the challenge teaching and learning with ICT will be bigger than right now. Hopefully we can get many knowledge about it from our subject Teaching and Learning with ICT.

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  43. Name : Atika al- Atiqiah
    NIM : F1022141065
    Email : atikabuchari@gmail.com
    Phone number : 085790258047

    Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    The use of ICT will not only enhance the learning environment but also to prepare the next generation for life future and career (Wheeler, 2001). ICT has the potential to accelerate and deepen the skills, develop knowledge and provide motivation to learn even for business. We will be familiar to use technology, in the end the technology is not only used for education but also for the needs and activities of daily living, for example searching for recipes, sports corresponding to the condition of the body, and others.
    When we take advantage of technology, then unwittingly we will find or acquire new knowledge that we have not learned, as we do now, we are driven to create a blog . Initially create a blog, then comes the desire to design our own blogs, so we browse how to design a great blog, or where we find a good background for the blog, and then figure out what to write on the blog, and what did people write on their blogs. This is very simple, but without realizing it, our knowledge and skills will evolve when we learn ICT and then practice it.
    ICT increases the flexibility of educational services and accessibility of education (Bhattacharya and Sharma, 2007; Choline, 2005). We get the material and some explanations from the lecturer, then we can develop such material through the information that we get from the internet. Students can browse through e-books, sample exam papers, and also can have easy access to the resources of people, experts, researchers, professionals, and peers throughout the world. It's like a digital library where students, teachers and professionals can access the knowledge, materials research and materials from anywhere at anytime because ICT can be used to remove communication barriers such as space and time, so learners or teachers can log on from any place. Then, students will be more cooperative to provide research results, ideas or suggestions and have a strong spirit and willingness to learn, not driven by the teacher. This will to prepare students for lifelong learning and to improve the quality of learning. So, Why we do not use technology in the classroom when it has made a significant impact on our lives.

  44. Assalamualaikum

    Name:Wenny Pratiwi
    Reg A

    I do agree with you all.
    ICT has an important role in teaching and learning process. As we know that these days we live modern era.
    Many sophisticated technologies are provide to help us.
    Our works be easier to do. As a student, we can use it to search many materials. And then, most of the student interested to study in the internet than read a book. So, it is necessary for us. In the other hand, the technologies will give some negative impacts for us, if we don't use it wisely. So, we have to control the use of the technologies.

  45. Name : Resti Aprianti
    Student Number : F1021141057

    I agree that we need to starting to get used to using ICT in teaching and learning process. With ICT we can learn anything we need with unlimited sourches in the internet. We can do it without any limit in space and time. It means that we can discuss everything, anytime and anywhere meanwhile we're not do it face to face. We can even discuss our materials when we are lying on bed before going to sleep. As it easier for us to use modern technology these days, we should use it properly. I mean, not every content in internet is good. Some of them could distract us with wrong informations. We need to filter these informations carefully and use it wisely so it will be an effective way for our teaching learning process and maybe our daily life as well.
    We also need to have good planning and strategy in using ICT so we can keep the students focus on the teaching learning process.
    Thanks for these good comments before me. They are really interesting ☺

  46. Name : Merry.E.E.Abisay
    Nim : F1021141058
    Reg : A

    Well, I think Mr.Arifin will be happy and agree with all of your opinions, my friends.
    Talked about make own blog and learning with ICT.
    I think made own blog is interesting, because we are different with other people who don't do that. We had own ways to improving our skills, for we're students of English language program study. And also when we write on the blog we learn to be good writer.
    As teachers in the future, make sure you had preparation from now, familiarize your self with use ICT. so, when you want to teach your students, you will be ready and not look rigid with use ICT,
    However, technology in the future will be better than now, so we are still having much time to improve our skills before we are on the future.
    Okay that's my opinion, I hope Mr. Arifin will be happy to read :)
    Thanks :*

    1. yeah I do agree with you, we must to improve our skills of technology, because they always developing themselves in every second and will be more sophisticated :)

  47. Assalammualaikum

    Name : Dintania Meydianda
    NIM : F1021141051
    Reg : A
    E-mail address : meydianda.dintania@yahoo.com

    On this occasion, with all due respect I am going to talk about E-learning as the part of ICT. Based on the definition in Wikipedia, I have found out that E-learning (or e-Learning) is the use of electronic educational technology in learning and teaching. In my point of view, E-learning is a remarkable solution for improving the students abilities in the learning process without spending a lot of time by explaining in front of the class because the students can find many sources by themselves in their electronic learning equipments. However, it does not mean we do not need the teachers anymore because there is already E-learning for helping us to learn about something. Of course we still need the teachers to become a role model and an educator for our nation. But in this case, the teachers do not have to 'feed' their students with a spoon full of knowledge every time. They just have to explain a little bit about the material or highlight the important concepts, and then they should give an opportunity to their students to get involved in teaching learning process. It can make the students become more creative and have a critical way of thinking. unfortunately, the use of E-learning in our university is not really frequent. it could be because of the lack information about this issue or because of the difficulties in connecting our devices to the internet. We should pay more attention about these two.

    Thank you

    1. Great idea Dinta, as a learner it is a great way to find some material from internet.

    2. Of course it is. But the problem here is not all of the students can access the internet especially for the students who live in the rural areas. Therefore, we still need the teachers to teach and educate us. We should notice that we cannot always depend on the internet. For me myself, the intelligent teachers are greater than the internet. Internet just an equipment for helping us, but it is unable to educate us as well as the teachers has done to us, Petrus. This world still need a teacher, am I right?

    3. ya, you are right badly Dintania..

    4. I'm not sure about your last statement Dinta, I think the future children doesn't need a teacher for learning cause nowadays many teachers has a poor of knowledge..

    5. I agree with your opinion Dintania, does the world still need teachers. but as we have seen, the role of the teacher in this modern era has experienced a changed. As Mr.Arifin has described late day. Nowadays the teacher is a facilitator, coach, director and friend of learning for students. The teacher is no longer the sole source of knowledge for students. Development of current technology allows teachers and students to exchange information and knowledge. I think,in this case not only will target students but teachers also need to participate actively in following and studying the development of technology. Just like what you have said that this world still need teachers and the teachers that we need is a qualified and competent ones. So that,the relationship between teacher and student is not only limited to dispense knowledge, but also as friends learn that exchanging information

    6. Why do you study in English Education Study Program then, Dian?

    7. Well, i see your point Dian :)

      But how can the students learn and improve their knowledge by themselves only by using the technology without the teachers as a role model and guide for them?:)
      The one who wisely educate the students about the right ways of using the technology. Besides we know the technology have the negative and positive side also.
      I think we can't let the technology replace that important role as we know that the qualified and a competent teachers is a must also.Just like what Restu have said before. Students still need the teacher as their educator to achieve fast learning by a synergy between using the technology and educate by their teacher.In other hands the teacher must involved then following the development of technology in this era. And do you hv a suggestion how to overcome teachers that has a poor and a lack of knowledge ?
      Thank you:)

    8. I have read this article, Hani. I do hope it can help you http://www.alternet.org/whats-really-wrong-teacher-quality-and-teacher-education

    9. Well, if you say that students doesn't need teachers anymore I can only say that I 'm agree and disagree with you. That's true students can learn from the Internet by themselves without a teacher, but what teacher means in this case is the actual one, the real teacher. If you say that teachers aren't needed anymore then what did you call the ones who post their ideas in the Internet? They are teachers, aren't they? Why Internet has so many informations in it? Why there are a lot of freakin' informations in this unrealistic world? Where does it came from? And the answer for those questions are teachers. Teachers don't have to be the people who had graduated from university. Teachers are people who share their own knowledge to others without expecting anything for a change. After all, a human being can't live without others, because they are social creatures, right? And, sorry if I'm too over dramatic to you, buddy. No hard feelings, right?

    10. Well,I've read the article and thank you for the link Dinta :)

    11. dinta, I think we are talking about children in the future isn't it?

    12. Dian, I think you should think twice about your statement. in education, teachers has a main role.

  48. One of the major barriers for the cause of ICT not reaching its full potential in the foundation stage is teacher’s attitude. According to Hara (2004), within the early years education attitudes towards ICT can vary considerably. Some see it as a potential tool to aid learning whereas others seem to disagree with the use of technology in early year settings. Blatchford and Whitebread (2003:16), suggests that the use of ICT in the foundation stage is “unhealthy and hinders learning”. Other early years educators who are opposed to offering ICT experiences within the educational settings take a less extreme view than this and suggest that ICT is fine, but there are other more vital experiences that young children will benefit from, (Blatchford and Whitebread, 2003). In theory some people may have the opinion that the teachers who had not experienced ICT throughout their learning tend to have a negative attitude towards it, as they may lack the training in that area of the curriculum.


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  50. Assalamualaikum wr.wb   

    Name : Julfanida Fitriani 
    Student's Number : F1021141068 
    Class : B+ 
    Regular: A    

    Hey guys, I would like to share two videos to you.. These videos are talking about how is ICT changing the way teachers teach and the way students learn .. Now ,we are a student but later we will be a teacher, right? I hope you enjoy these videos..  

    The links:      


    1. I watched your video and I think a good instructor has to teach how to use these ICT's correctly.

  51. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  52. Hay guys, How're you?
    I see we have discussed about the important of using ICT in education world include its benefit and loss. actually, today I'd like to show you a theory/impacts of ICT in education we can discuss together. I got it from "http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/00001201.htm". (you can visit for more detail).
    "Having to use ICT in an innovative manner is an important bottleneck teachers have to cope with (Van den Dool, 1998). It can be interpreted as a ‘design-question’ and allows us to formulate the proposition that ‘educational designing’ skills form the core of the future teaching profession."
    I was thinking about "Design Question". is this a kind of proses that should be done? lets we discus

    1. Thanks for your suggestion link wista, its useful for me to more understanding about impact of using ICT in education.
      By the way, what do you mean about "design question"? I don't got the point, can you explain to me?

    2. Andita, hopefully this link, http://www.marzanocenter.com/blog/article/marzano-design-question-2-helping-students-interact-with-new-knowledge/#sthash.5eIwEPzF.dpuf may asnwer your question about "design question". As I know that the design question helps students interact with new knowledge. You can see more examples about it at http://justcreative.com/2008/02/28/top-10-design-questions-from-students/

    3. I've read the article in those links and they're very useful. Thanks for the links ghinna.

  53. I'm pretty well, thanks. Wizta, I've found there's something wrong with the link that you've given to us. I couldn't open it.

  54. Name: Rizky Kurniawan
    NIM: F1022141049
    Email: rizky.71096@gmail.com
    Blog: rizkykurniawan07.blogspot.com

    Hi everyone, I will share my opinion about teaching learning with ICT. But first, I'm really sorry for you guys because of my "Ngerampoting" English Language :D

    Many pupils consider ICT tools very helpful in that it helps them to do assignments teachers see that ICT enables students with special needs or difficulties. It also helps to reduce the social disparities between pupils, since they work in teams in order to achieve a given task. Students also assume responsibilities when they use ICT to organize their work through digital portfolios or projects. In addition, the study showed that ICT has significant impact on teachers and teaching processes

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. yeah I believe technology is a powerful tool we have to use to get a better society and we need to be up date for improving our knowledge . ICT is an oportunity for learning and we have to get it :)

  55. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  56. I watched some videos on youtube, hopefully you can also watch the video and get some information from them :)




    1. Thanks for the vids. They're very useful. Now, I have somethings I'd like to say. I don't think human mistakes can be avoided by online examination. Because, technologies won't work if it's not because it's user. In other words, the one who make the online examination systems are humans, and they cannot avoid mistakes even for the smartest human in the world. Human is not a perfect being. Just imagine it. If human is not even perfect, so how come their technologies can be perfect? Once again, I appreciate the links you gave us. Thank you very much.

    2. you're welcome, I'm glad to hear that. yeah technologies are not perfect because made by humans which are not perfect. but they better than humans, isn't it?

    3. I apologize to say this, Dian. But, in this case I do not agree with you. Humans are better than technology because without humans technology will never exist.

    4. I do agree with Dinta because humans as the creator has created the technology (ICT) in order to facilities nor accommodate us for a better life so humans are better than the technology itself.

    5. Well yeah I do agree with you Dintania. As the creators of technology, definitely human is better than the technology itself. How can the technology can be better than the creators? NO... I think your point is, technologies can be better than human whose not be able to use it with the correct function, isn't it?

    6. we are above from technology. it's just a tool to make us more easy in many life aspects. we are better than technology. the creator sure better then the creation. Dian, how could you say that?

  57. I've found a good video about ICT. Check it out!


  58. Some people said that they hate ICT because we used the ICT, it can make some people arrogant. It also makes people lazy because they don’t want to search the informations in books. Although someone already said that we can use e-book, they are still stubborn to change their mind. What should we do to these kind of people so that they can understand that ICT is really helpful for us?

    1. I do not agree with the people that hate the technologies. Surely, they doesn't know what the technology is. I think we can do something with this people. We can compare which one is the most useful, the book or the technology? Which one is the fastest way to find the information? Technology created because it can make us easier to do something, to find some information, and so on. Basically, technology come from our basic needed. Have you ever heard "there has to be a simply/easier way to do...?" Our need to simplify, and make easier those tasks we do daily leads to the development of technologies.

    2. Many questions that I have read, but, I would like to give my opinion on this question.
      In my opinion, we can not blame the people who do not like the current technological developments, they may have different views with us in this regard, although honestly, it seems unwise for me, because we could be left behind with the times and knowledge emerging.
      I think the book and technology, both are equally important in the teaching learning process of teaching, they are complementary to each other. Therefore, if you can, even if the technology keeps growing, the book also remains one of our grip. Maybe technologies such as the internet does not have specific knowledge such as history books that had been there from time immemorial.

    3. Okay Fadhol, Thanks for your answer :)
      But, do you think by compare technology and the manual one are really effective? I don't mean that its not a good way. But, do you have another ideas for this case? Honestly, I am not satisfied by your answer. Thank you Fadhol :)

  59. I've found an intresting video about a future class.It's awesome! Check it out! Don't forget to leave your comment about this video.


    1. I've watched it Fajar. Such an amazing school life. I hope we can be like that soon. although it will be really really hard because when we look to our campus it just... you know what I mean right? haha :D

    2. I've watched the video. Such an amazing classroom. I hope we can have the same classroom in the future. No need to bring books, pens, pencils, etc. We also don't need to bring laptop. We only need to bring a gadget, something looks like a cell phone and we can do everything with it. That's great.

    3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    4. Haha, yeah I know. I think that is the thing which Mr. Arifin has mentioned to us, the classroom is full of modern equipments, so students can enjoy the class and feel comfortable.

    5. Haha. That's absolutely right Poppy! This video gave us proof that ICT is very important for us in learning process.

    6. I wish I have class like that. but perhaps I must wait for 500years later or until the cows come home :v

    7. Haha. We wish for the same thing here. The government should aware that the sophisticated equipments are very important for us in teaching learning process. I hope they can provide us some equipments just like in that video, haha. So the learners in this country can be better. Am I right?

    8. yeah just look at our campus, is that appropriate called campus? surely they corrupt the money because our campus doesnt have better improvement.

    9. maybe they are hungry, Dian. LOL

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  62. Guys, I'm Ghinna, Do you think that providing English channels, cartoons, and songs for children from the beginning are kinds of effective ways to improve their English skill while sometimes their parents are still talking in the mother language? I need some explanations by you :)

    1. Yes, I think it's an effective way for children to improve their English skills. Children like watching cartoons, listening to songs because it's fun. It's okay if they still talk to their parents in mother language because they need to learn their own mother language too, right? So, they'll have the ability to speak in two languages.

    2. My name is Fajar Maualana. I think it depends on the situation. If the parents provide cartoons, songs, and stories as ways to improve the children language more than they provide the ways to improve mother language, I think it can be effective ways although sometimes the parents still use mother language.

    3. I think it can improve their English skill. I know it because I look at my brother. My brother likes watching cartoon. He often watch it from Cartoon Network Channel. You know, some cartoons in that channel use English. So,if my brother watches it he will try to imitate like in the film. Not only that, if he doesn't know the meaning he will try to find it out although my family still use the mother language at home.

    4. Hi guys, I'm Anggi. I think those are very helpful ways. However, we as the parents and adult have to control our children in using those kinds of technology. Again, the way of using this sophisticated technology effectively and wisely are a must. thanks :)

    5. In my opinion providing English channels, songs and cartoons for children is one of good ways for improving their ability in acquiring the second language. However, sometimes English channels showing some 'improper scenes' even in a cartoon such as 'kissing scene'. So, as a good parent, we have to accompany our children while they are watching the movie. Besides, I think another best way to help our children acquire the second language is by reading an English story or English tale for them. I think this way is more communicative because there is a communication between the children and their parents.

    6. It's a very super duper effective way if you ask me. Because I was one of those children once. When I'm still a kid my parents used to buy me cartoon and power ranger films. They mostly don't have any subtitles, even if they have them I don't think it would be useful. Because I can't even read at that time. And also, when the children are watching those films it would be best if their parents are watching it with them too. So, they can monitor their children if by any chance the films have several unappropriate scenes. The parents will explain why there were such scenes in the film and the children will learn new things from those films.

    7. I think it's not a "very super duper effective way" :/ Well, you can prove that. Yes it's right those ways is effective for children to improve their language, but if their parents still talking in their mother language I think the result is only 12% perhaps. I think it's better if their parents talk both of language, the mother one and also English. I think it's more effective isn't it?

    8. well..i think even some parents providing English channels or playing english songs while if the parents and their kids don't speak the same language at home, communication between them may suffer. As a result, their children will difficult to learn the second language.
      But,i don't say that the mother language is not important as parent they can help their children to learn the English through being bilingual family that means they can understanding and expressing themselves in two languages, and being able to convey their thoughts clearly in both ( the mother language and the second language ).
      Example sometimes the parents should try to give an instructions or having a sharing with their children using the second language during their daily activity without ignoring their mother language as well.
      The parent should take a part of supporting their children through their daily communication by learn how to become a bilingual family.Thank you :)

    9. ya, I think fadhol are right. if their mother talking in english language and also providing the english channels and english song for children, why not? it can be the effective way to learning and improving their english ability.

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  68. Okay, now I'd like to talk about something that is happening in Indonesia lately. Since yesterday, or the day before(idk?), everyone is talking about one of ICT usages, the Computer Based Test(CBT). It's a system that is applied now in Indonesia's educational system, it is applied in the examination system to be precise. With this, students will be doing their test in front of their own PCs for all subjects. This system has been applied for junior and senior high students if I'm not mistaken. So, how do you guys think about this phenomenon?

    And also, I added some links for your information below. I hope it'll be useful for you guys. :)

    - http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/30/computer-based-exam-designed-prevent-cheating.html




    1. My name is Fajar Maulana. I think it is one proof that ICT actually has an important role in education. I also have heard about the use of CBT in the implementation of the test, and I think it's one of the good policy of the government, although it is still not applied in all aspects and also still had some problems. I also have read the links you provided, it is quite interesting. Thank you.

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. Well, I think it’s okay if the Indonesian Education Minestry uses the system.
      Well Ridho, Indonesian Education Ministry applies the system to a few schools, about 500,000 schools including SMA and SMK (http://www.teskerja.com/2015/02/simulasi-un-online-smksma-sistem.html). I really appreciate government's effort in the use of the shopistication of the technology for education. But in terms of security, the online national exam may be less secure when seeing the recent Indonesian network security. For a few times before, there were many government sites hacked by hackers, although it could be handled. What if they hack the site and leak the national exam scripts? So, I prefer that government should prepare and anticipate in different fields well not in a hurry.

  69. Assalammualaikum Mr. Arifin
    Name : Uray Akhmad Fahrezi
    NIM : F1021141072
    Email : itw.asssasin@gmail.com

    I think, as now as we live in this digital world. ICT has an impact to many aspect of out life, The digital age has transformed the way young people communicate, network, seek help, access information and learn. We must recognize that young people are now an online population and access is through a variety of means such as computers, TV and mobile phones. In ICT we can learn through game based learning, learning from blog or other sites that provide us to learn many things. I agree with you sir, about we have to had our own blog, i used to have blog when i was in middle school, so now i think that i will open my blog again. In blog we can shared many things like education, sharing thought and share anything as we want as many thing at anytime

  70. Name : Jeng Anggi Priyatni
    NIM : F1021141063
    I have read all the explanations and opinions from you guys. And here, I want to add something about e-learning that Dinta has mentioned before. Students can be encouraged to construct their own knowledge using technology tools, and those same tools can also be used to present materials that deliberately lead students to pre-determined conclusions in highly structured ways. The use of technology in education has a significant history. Initially, computers were applied in behaviourist modes in accordance with Skinner’s work (Ravenscroft 2001), which emphasized the teacher’s control over what is learned and how it is to be learned. More recently, emphasis is on the constructivist use of technologies which provide students with opportunities to construct their own understandings. Skinner’s behaviourism, Piaget’s cognitive constructivism and Vygotsky’s social constructivism can all be facilitated through eLearning. Tam (2000) provides an excellent overview of how technology can be used for constructivist purposes.Web-based education tools in the past decade testifies that eLearning practice has achieved a momentum that will make it a central part of future education. And it is how elearning takes a part in the future education, so for mastering or at least not blind using technology is a must. Especially, we as the future teacher who will face the future global mind students, have to recognize that Elearning is becoming a new mode of education, so we have to be ready.

    1. it's very good jeng anggi. we are as teachers in the future we have be ready and should master about ict because ict has potential in powerful learning environments. ( Ed Smeets said in his journal under the title "DOES ICT CONTRIBUTE TO POWERFUL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS IN PRIMARY EDUCATION" that " ict may contribute to creating powerful learning invironments in numerous ways. ict provides oppurtunities to access an abundance of information using multiple information resourches and viewing information from multiple perspectives, thus fostering the aunthenticity of learning environments".) ict also make complex proccess easier to understand through simulation that, again contribute to authentic learning environments

  71. NAME : Ahmad Lukmanul Hakim
    NIM : F1021141048
    I agree with the method of learning with ICT, the method has many advantages such as looking for something that does not exist in the book, it would be nice if all the schools or universities provide internet facilities are functioning properly. But in our campus the wifi connection is not functioning properly, we pay a lot for wifi, while we get a very bad network. it would be nice if the campus administrators improve the quality of the wifi connections in campus.

    1. Well this is our problems at campus right? Maybe you should wait for 500 years later to enjoy the good internet connection. As a student, what can we do to solve this problem in our campus? I need your opinion.

    2. 500 years, thats a long time just for waiting to enjoy the good internet connection in our campus :p
      I think as a student, we need to prepare for ourselves such as buying kuota for internet connection or using modem. Thats just my opinion..

    3. fadhol, I think we should do demo, haha just kidding. mmm i'm agree with andita. but, I think campus should understand what students need. this is the holistic era which internet connection has many roles in many aspects.

  72. Assalmmualaikum
    Name : Ratih Purnamasari
    NIM : F1021141065
    hi guys , I have read the opinion of you but not everything . especially I have read the opinion or input from Dinta . but I do not want to argue , I hana want to at least put a little question here .
    we know that a lot of advantages that we can get from ICT . but maybe not everyone can use ICT . Dinta as said before , that we can train a second language to children by telling stories using English .
    but what about a child who has a physical or mental disability within the meaning of the word , if they can not hear .
    whether they are still able to get a second language in that way and be like normal people using ICT ? please your response guys .

    1. Well, I think everything is possible if you put your feelings into it. Though, I don't really know how to do it. Sorry :'(

    2. Interesting question, but unfortunately same like Ridho I don't really know about this. But I think it is a responsibility that the ICTs providers should consider. Technology, services and facilities must be usable by as many people as possible.

  73. Name: Fuji Lestari
    NIM/Reg: F1021141067/A
    Here I want to give an opinion about ridho said, I think that was Indonesia's progress on educational and ofcourse it's a good news. Indonesia's government tried to improve and opened with ICT on education by used online exam system, but same like Ghinna said, that exam or system has some risks such as hackers, and I got some informations, there are some schools that made plan to do the online exam but they didn't do the max and moreover they failed to do it, I read an article from http://m.news.viva.co.id/news/read/613005-gagal-login--puluhan-siswa-smk-bantul-tak-bisa-un they said, there was a scholl getting problem in the system on online exam, the students cannot login on their exam account, and the other problems is about there is not enough facility at the school such as computer and electricity. So I think Indonesia's government should have better prepare to make a revolution so that Indonesia could be success to use technology on educational like the other countries done. Thankyou.

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    2. Okay, thank you for your late response(lol). Just joking. I really appriciate it. It is just the beginning, so there are still a lot of problems here and there (Wait a minute. Who do I think I am? Jokowi?). Let's just hope it'll get better for the future. Once again, thanks for the response.

  74. Haha I'm sorry for being late, I do agree with you Ridho, and maybe we shouldn't only hope but also pray for Indonesia's government to pay more an attention for the crush of problems:) amin

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  76. sholeh untan, we are waiting for it

    1. i am sorry, there is something wrong with my leptop yesterday, so i cannot share it. once again i am sorry

  77. Merry Kristi ( F42112042)
    I do agree that ICT is important in the learning process. In the education, the media ICT learners can obtain the information more easily and with ICT the learners can learn more spirit. According Pramela 2006, teaching use the electronic media must have positive attitude to motivate, facilitate and guide learners .
    Through the medium of ICT, teachers can teach using games, many games can be used to teach the skilsl English . English language skills, such as speaking, writing, reading and listening . However , the first thing that can be done by the teacher is teaching the English language vocabulary, because the vocabulary is the key starting point for the learners to mastering the english skills. As for the games, that can be given to teach vocabulary , such as whiteboards and digital games .
    One of the games that can be used to teach vocabulary is whiteboards. Whiteboards can make use of its established direct cooperation between students and teachers on the electronic media . Using the whiteboards as an instructional tool has shown a significant increase in the student participation . This occurs in report on the effect to employ whiteboards in a classroom on students participation ( Vetter, 2009 ) . Armstrong et al ( 2005 ) proposed that either students or teacher could operate white boards directly with a keyboard or a electronic pen anywhere in the room because of a variety of the collaborative accessories on the active board .

  78. mochammad shaleh (F42112008)
    guys this is that i wanna share with you
    the research in the world has shown that ict can be able to lead in repatation of learning methods for students and produce better learning methods. MIKRE SAID IN HER JOURNAL THAT " ICT AT PRESENT ARE INFLUENCING EVERY ASPECT OF HUMAN LIFE. THEY ARE PLAYING SALIENT IN THE WORK PLACES, BUSSINESS, EDUCATION, AND ENTERTAIMENTS. MOREOVER MANY PEOPLE RECOGNIZE ICT AS CATALYSTS FOR CHANGE: CHANGE IN THE WORKING CONDITION, HANDLING AND EXCHANGING TEACHING METHODS, LEARNING APPROACHES, SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, AND IN ACCESSING INFORMATION (FISSEHA MEKRE:2011). a report that's written by national institute of multemedia education in japan proved that increasing of mind capacity from the students using ict through curriculum integration significantly produce positive effects especially in knowledge, understanding, skill of practices, skill of achievement in any subjects.

  79. are ICTs the best investment for scarce educational funding, or should investments be made first in the familiar tools and methodologies that are already being used?
